New Year, New Me: 2024 Resolutions | Bloor West Village

New Year, New Me: 2024 Resolutions

January 31, 2024

And just like that, it’s the last day of January!

Hello and Welcome Back, Bloor West Village! 🙌
A little late for that, you say? I meaaan…technically we’re still in the first month of the year, sooooo

This month has felt oddly long yet went by so fast, simultaneously. How does this make any sense? You tell us! All we know is, while it feels like it’s day 2874 of January, we’re still trying to turn our New Year’s resolutions into habits, specifically the ones that focus on our body wellness. Which, by the way, how’s that working for you? Keeping up with that workout streak? Green juice to start the day everyday? Do you have any tips to share with us? (Oops…Asking for a friend! 👀) 

Well, in the meantime, we’ll share a few of our tips with you on how (and where) to keep up or get started with your healthy habits! And the best part? They are all available right here, in Bloor West Village!



1. Get Your Body Movin’


***Siri, please play “It’s That Time” by Marlon Hoffstadt!***

Let’s talk physical body wellness!

Most people list at least one fitness goal in their New Year’s resolutions, whether it be starting a new Yoga class or simply going on daily walks. Maybe you did too. It can be tricky to choose what activity to implement in your daily life to achieve your  goals, even trickier to know what best suits your otherwise already busy routine. Well, we’re here to help! Bloor West Village houses a number of businesses that can help you stay on track with your fitness goals.

If you’re not one for solo workouts and are looking to join a class, check out:

If you’re looking for a more focused and personalized workout routine, check out:

For those of you who are not looking for structured classes but just want to implement a healthy activity, a simple “hot girl walk”, as it’s currently called and trending on social media, can be the perfect workout for you. Bloor West Village is walking village, with its streets complementing your daily stroll/walk with both its beauty and ease to navigate.

Whatever your choice as your workout to stick to your fitness resolution, Bloor West Village has various options for you to get that body movin’!


2. Glow with a Balanced Inner Health


Focusing on your inner health is equally as important as focusing on your physical health. A balanced inner body complements your effort in maintaining a good and healthy physique. Bloor West Village is somewhat heaven for health and wellness enthusiasts. Whether you’re looking for fresh produce to implement clean eating, or more nutritious alternatives to your daily treats, or supplements to incorporate in your diet, the village nests various businesses that cater for your specific health and wellness needs.

For instance, are you looking for a healthy green smoothie to improve your gut health? Check out Tender Love & Carrots! (psst! Check out our highlight reel! 😉)

Maybe you’re looking for a feisty grapefruit and ginger shot to boost that immune system? Check out Village Juicery!

Or, perhaps you’re looking to learn about supplements to balance out or enhance your diet? Check out our latest post highlighting five fantastic supplement havens to help elevate your health and well-being journey!

If you’re more of a DIY/homemade food and drinks kind of person, then check out the various markets along the streets of Bloor West Village for fresh and in-season vegetables and fruits to level up your cuisine and get the best out of your meal prep!


3. Healthy Mind = Healthy Body


Healthy mind = Healthy body. We mentioned the importance of focusing on both our inner and outer body, as they both come in play for a balanced and stable health. Well, focusing on our mental health is as important. Our mental health is what controls our ability to think, feel, and act, which influences every aspect of our lives. Mental wellness is often overlooked amidst our effort in improving our physical and inner health, but an imbalanced mental health can hinder our progress by simply affecting our motivation. As such, it is crucial to engage in practices that allow us to maintain a healthy mental state. But how do we improve our mental health? Well, there are various options, all of which you can access in Bloor West Village.

Physical activities promote a healthy mind. A natural and effective anti-anxiety treatment, any form of exercise relieves tension and stress, boosts physical and mental energy, and enhances well-being through the release of endorphins. As such, one way of improving your mental health is by ensuring you are engaging in regular physical activity. A simple workout routine added to your daily general routine can improve your wellbeing. Looking for ideas? Scroll up to the beginning of this blog!

Another option is through relaxing practices such as meditation, Reiki, massages, spas, and other holistic approaches that encourage the slowing down of our otherwise rushing minds and hence promote a calm state of mind and healthier mental.

While the above mentioned activities are beneficial and are practices we can easily implement in our daily lives, there are instances where professional help is required. Such instances can be past traumas, current situations, and more, which are often difficult to resolve or heal from on our own. As such, it is important to seek professional help to better understand how to navigate such situations. There are several therapy services available in Bloor West Village, with professionals specialized in various areas of focus. It is commendable to heal on our own, but it is as commendable to seek help.


4. Get Checked!


Listen! No one likes going to the dentist’s, or the doctor’s. We get it.

But we often fail to realize that these are trained professionals who are here to help us, and teach us how to help ourselves. For instance, getting that annual physical done, or that annual dental cleaning done, helps prevent any further complications. There are numerous medical services offered in Bloor West Village, from doctor’s offices and clinics, dentists, physio, opticians, pharmacies and more.

As harsh as this sounds, getting into a strict diet, or keeping up with a solid workout routine, will not help you achieve your health and fitness resolutions if your body is not fully functioning due to untreated conditions.  As they say, prevention is better than the cure. Get checked. Stay healthy. (And suddenly, this sounds like a radio ad! Oops! *You’re listening to Bloor West Village BIA FM!* 😂)


5. Stock Up on Your Products!


Body wellness resolutions can also be as simple as sticking to your skincare routine. Whether it’s the Korean glass skin routine  or just the simple GRWM’s you see on TikTok or YouTube, it is important to have the necessary products for the routine of your choice. Bloor West Village is known as the beauty central – a statement supported by its various beauty supplies and body wellness stores, as well as its beauty services such as Nail Salons, and aestheticians.

Running out of that body scrub you love? Scraping that last drop of body lotion? Check out the stores such as The Body Shop in Bloor West Village! Alternatively, treat yourself to a relaxing facial at Naked Truth Radiant Skincare and leave the Salon with glowy and hydrated skin! Add a little Mani-Pedi sesh at The Ten Spot, while you’re at it, and you’re all set! (Psst! Check out our highlight reel!)


New Year’s resolutions can be so dreadful when life gets in the way! It’s easy to give up on a healthy resolution or goal, and push it to next year! (Looking at you! Yes, you! Don’t worry, you’re not the only one!😋)

Bloor West Village makes it easy for you to have access to spaces, products, and services that make it easy for you to keep up with your healthy habits. Whether it be physical, nutritional, mental, or even spiritual, the village offers an array of products and services catering for your healthy needs and supporting you on your health journey. Is this finally the year you stick to your New Year’s resolution? This might be it!